| KIT Whole-Body Human Motion Database

Details Subject #441

With the KIT Whole-Body Human Motion Database, we aim to provide a simple way of sharing high-quality motion capture recordings of human whole-body motion. The database is run by the High Performance Humanoid Technology (H²T) Lab.

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Created:Feb. 20, 2015, 3:08 p.m. by puch
Modified:April 5, 2016, 7:09 a.m. by ehrenber
Write Groups:KIT
Read Protected Groups:
C3D Prefix:(hidden)
Weight [kg] 58
Height [mm] 1730
Hand (wrist axis / 2nd knuckle middle finger) [mm] 120
Forearm (elbow axis / ulnar styloid) [mm] 260
Upper Arm (glenhumeral axis / elbow axis) [mm] 280
Forearm & Hand (elbow axis / 2nd knuckle middle finger) [mm] 380
Total Arm (glen humeral joint / ulnar styloid) [mm] 550
Foot (lateral malleolus / head 2nd metatarsal) [mm] 120
Shank (femoral condyles / medial malleolus) [mm] 425
Thigh (greater trochanter / femoral condyles) [mm] 490
Foot & Shank (femoral condyles / head 2nd metatarsal) [mm] 505
Total Leg (greater trochanter / medial malleolus) [mm] 990
Head & Neck (C7-T1 & first rip / ear canal) [mm] 180
Shoulder (sternoclaviar joint / glenhumeral axis) [mm] 200
Thorax (C7-T1 / T12-L1 & diaphragm) [mm] 320
Abdomen (T12-L1 / L4-L5) [mm] 210
Pelvis (L4-L5 / greater trochanter) [mm] 150
Thorax & Abdomen (C7-T1 / L4-L5) [mm] 455
Pelvis Width (between hip joints) [mm] 190
Trunk (greater trochanter / glen humeral joint) [mm] 545
Knee Width (femoral condyles width) [mm] 95
Ankle Width (malleolus) [mm] 70
Elbow Width (elbow joint width) [mm] 65
Wrist Width (ulnar styloid) [mm] 50
Hand Width (hand width at first knuckle) [mm] 80
Hand Length (wrist to middle finger / ring finger) [mm] 155
Shoulder Offset [mm] 40

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