| KIT Whole-Body Human Motion Database

Database: Projects

With the KIT Whole-Body Human Motion Database, we aim to provide a simple way of sharing high-quality motion capture recordings of human whole-body motion. The database is run by the High Performance Humanoid Technology (H²T) Lab.

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Project Basic Walking

Basic walking experiements recorded at KIT

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The scientific objective of IMAGINE is to enable robots to understand how their environment behaves…

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Project INOPRO

INOPRO aims to develop new, intelligent orthoses and prostheses for the lower and upper extremities…

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Project I-Support

ICT-Supported Bath Robots: The I-SUPPORT project envisions the development and integration of an i…

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Project KoroiBot

In the KoroiBot project, we will study the way humans walk e.g. on stairs and slopes, on soft and s…

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Project Misc

Miscellaneous recordings made at KIT (e.g. sport recordings)

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Project OML

The aim of the project "Organic Machine Learning" (OML) is to break up the conventional, rigid appr…

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Project SecondHands

The goal of SecondHands is to design a robot that can offer help to a maintenance technician in a p…

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Project TERRINet

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Project TimeStorm

TIMESTORM aims to develop a robot that is sensitive to the passage of time and hence better able to…

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Project WALK-MAN

The project has the goal to develop a robotic platform (of an anthropomorphic form) which can opera…

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Project Xperience

The Xperience Project addresses the problem of generative knowledge construction in robotics to rap…

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