The major types of data available in the database are:
Marker label | Definition | Position |
LFHD | Left front head | Left forehead between os frontal and os parietale |
RFHD | Right front head | Right forehead between os frontal and os parietale |
LBHD | Left back head | In horizontal line to the left forehead marker |
RBHD | Right back head | In horizontal line to the right forehead marker |

Marker label | Definition | Position |
CLAV | Clavicula | Between the two collar bones |
STRN | Sternum | Base of the middle of the rip cage |
C7 | Vertebrae cervicales 7 | Knob right where the back of the neck ends |
T10 | Vertebrae thoracicae 10 | Count 10 vertebrae down from C7 |
L3 | Vertebrae lumbales 3 | Count 5 vertebrae down from L3 |
RBAK | Right back | Anti-symmetry inferior: bottom-center of the right shoulder blade |
LBAK | Left back | Anti-symmetry inferior: top-center of the right shoulder blade |

Left Arm
Marker label | Definition | Position |
LSHO | Left shoulder | Acromio-clavicular joint |
LUPA | Left upper arm | Anti-symmetry inferior : Upper arm, 2/3 distance between LAEL and LSHO, closer to LAEL |
LAEL | Left arm epicondylus lateralis | epicondylus lateralis |
LAOL | Left arm olecranon | olecranon |
LFRA | Left forearm | Anti-symmetry inferior without fixed position |

Right Arm
Marker label | Definition | Position |
RSHO | Right shoulder | Acromio-clavicular joint |
RUPA | Right upper arm | Anti-symmetry inferior : Upper arm, 1/3 distance between RAEL and RSHO, closer to RSHO |
RAEL | Right arm epicondylus lateralis | epicondylus lateralis |
RAOL | Right arm olecranon | olecranon |
RFRA | Right forearm | Anti-symmetry inferior without fixed position |
Left Hand
Marker label | Definition | Position |
LWTS | Left wrist thumb side | Proc. Styloideus (radius) |
LWPS | Left wrist pinkie side | Proc. Styloideus (Ulna) |
LHTS | Left hand thumb side | Base knuckle 2nd finger |
LHPS | Left hand pinkie side | Base knuckle 5th finger |
LIFD (LIFP) | Left index finger distalis | Top knuckle 2nd finger |

Right Hand
Marker label | Definition | Position |
RWTS | Right wrist thumb side | Proc. Styloideus (radius) |
RWPS | Right wrist pinkie side | Proc. Styloideus (Ulna) |
RHTS | Right hand thumb side | Base knuckle 2nd finger |
RHPS | Right hand pinkie side | Base knuckle 5th finger |
RIFD (RIFP) | Right index finger distalis | Top knuckle 2nd finger |
Marker label | Definition | Position |
LASI | Left ASIS | directly above spina iliaca anterior superior (left) |
RASI | Right ASIS | directly above spina iliaca anterior superior (right) |
LPSI | Left PSIS | directly above spina iliaca posterior superior (left) |
RPSI | Right PSIS | directly above spina iliaca posterior superior (right) |
LHIP | Left trochanter major | Left trochanter |
RHIP | Right trochanter major | Right trochanter |
Marker label | Definition | Position |
LTHI | Left tight wand marker | Anti-symmetry inferior: Thigh, 2/3 distance between LHIP and LKNE, closer to LKNE |
RTHI | Right tight wand marker | Anti-symmetry inferior: Thigh, 1/3 distance between RHIP and RKNE, closer to RHIP |
LKNE | Left Knee | Joint center left knee |
RKNE | Right Knee | Joint center right knee |
RTIP | Right Tibia | Anti-symmetry inferior: without fixed position |
LTIP | Left Tibia | Anti-symmetry inferior: without fixed position |

Marker label | Definition | Position |
LHEE | Left Heel | Center of left heel |
RHEE | Right Heel | Center of right heel |
LTOE | Left Toe | Phalanges distales I |
RTOE | Right Toe | Phalanges distales I |
RMT1 | Right Matatarsal 1 | Base knuckle 1st toe |
LMT1 | Left Matatarsal 1 | Base knuckle 1st toe |
RMT5 | Right Matatarsal 5 | Base knuckle 5nd toe |
LMT5 | Left Matatarsal 5 | Base knuckle 5nd toe |
RANK | Right ankle | Below the ankle |
LANK | Left ankle | Below the ankle |

Detailed Hand
Marker label | Definition | Position |
thumb1_01 | Thumb metacarpal phalanx | directly below the metacarpophalangeal joint on the dorsal side of the metacarpal phalanx |
thumb2_01 | Thumb proximal phalanx | dorsal side of the proximal phalanx between metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joint |
thumb3_01 | Thumb distal phalanx | dorsal side of the distal phalanx directly below the fingertip |
indexfinger1_01 | Index proximal phalanx | dorsal side of the proximal phalanx between metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joint |
indexfinger2_01 | Index intermediate phalanx | dorsal side of the intermediate phalanx between proximal and distal interphalangeal joint |
indexfinger3_01 | Index distal phalanx | dorsal side of the distal phalanx directly below the fingertip |
middlefinger1_01 | Middle proximal phalanx | dorsal side of the proximal phalanx close to the metacarpophalangeal joint |
middlefinger2_01 | Middle intermediate phalanx | dorsal side of the intermediate phalanx between proximal and distal interphalangeal joint |
middlefinger3_01 | Middle distal phalanx | dorsal side of the distal phalanx directly below the fingertip |
ringfinger1_01 | Ringfinger proximal phalanx | dorsal side of the proximal phalanx directly over the metacarpophalangeal joint |
ringfinger2_01 | Ringfinger intermediate phalanx | dorsal side of the intermediate phalanx between proximal and distal interphalangeal joint |
ringfinger3_01 | Ringfinger distal phalanx> | dorsal side of the distal phalanx directly below the fingertip |
littlefinger1_01 | Little finger proximal phalanx | dorsal side of the proximal phalanx close to the metacarpophalangeal joint |
littlefinger2_01 | Little finger intermediate phalanx | dorsal side of the intermediate phalanx between proximal and distal interphalangeal joint |
littlefinger3_01 | Little finger distal phalanx | dorsal side of the distal phalanx directly below the fingertip |
innerHand_01 | Palm below the middle finger | dorsal side of the middle metacarpal phalanx directly below the metacarpophalangeal joint |
innerHand_02 | Palm near the root of the thumb | dorsal side of the carpal trapezium bone |
innerHand_03 | Palm below the index finger | dorsal side of the index metacarpal phalanx in the middle between carpal trapezoid bone and metacarpophalangeal joint |
innerHand_04 | Palm near the root of the middle finger | dorsal side of the scaphoid bone |
outerHand_01 | Palm below the little finger | dorsal side of the little finger metacarpal phalanx directly below the metacarpophalangeal joint |
outerHand_02 | Palm just over the ulnar side of the wrist | dorsal side of the carpal pisiform bone |
outerHand_03 | Palm between little finger and wrist | radial side of the carpal hamate bone |
wrist_01 | Ulnar side of the wrist | radial side of ulna bone directly below the hand base |
wrist_02 | Ulnar side of the arm near the elbow | ulna bone 10 cm below the wrist |
wrist_03 | Radial side of the wrist | radial side of the radius bone directly below the hand base |
wrist_04 | Radial side of the arm near the elbow | radius bone 6 cm below the wrist |

Motion Capture Suit
At KIT, we are using the motion capture marker suits from OptiTrack (see http://www.naturalpoint.com/optitrack/products/suits-markers).