| KIT Whole-Body Human Motion Database

Definition of the Marker Set

This definition of the marker set is the standard marker placement on the human body, which will be used during all motion capture sessions.

The major types of data available in the database are:

Marker label Definition Position
LFHD Left front head Left forehead between os frontal and os parietale
RFHD Right front head Right forehead between os frontal and os parietale
LBHD Left back head In horizontal line to the left forehead marker
RBHD Right back head In horizontal line to the right forehead marker
Marker Set Head 1
Marker Set Head 2


Marker label Definition Position
CLAV Clavicula Between the two collar bones
STRN Sternum Base of the middle of the rip cage
C7 Vertebrae cervicales 7 Knob right where the back of the neck ends
T10 Vertebrae thoracicae 10 Count 10 vertebrae down from C7
L3 Vertebrae lumbales 3 Count 5 vertebrae down from L3
RBAK Right back Anti-symmetry inferior: bottom-center of the right shoulder blade
LBAK Left back Anti-symmetry inferior: top-center of the right shoulder blade
Marker Set Torso 1
Marker Set Torso 2
Marker Set Torso 3
Marker Set Torso 4

Left Arm

Marker label Definition Position
LSHO Left shoulder Acromio-clavicular joint
LUPA Left upper arm Anti-symmetry inferior : Upper arm, 2/3 distance between LAEL and LSHO, closer to LAEL
LAEL Left arm epicondylus lateralis epicondylus lateralis
LAOL Left arm olecranon olecranon
LFRA Left forearm Anti-symmetry inferior without fixed position
Marker Set Left Arm 1
Marker Set Left Arm 2

Right Arm

Marker label Definition Position
RSHO Right shoulder Acromio-clavicular joint
RUPA Right upper arm Anti-symmetry inferior : Upper arm, 1/3 distance between RAEL and RSHO, closer to RSHO
RAEL Right arm epicondylus lateralis epicondylus lateralis
RAOL Right arm olecranon olecranon
RFRA Right forearm Anti-symmetry inferior without fixed position

Left Hand

Marker label Definition Position
LWTS Left wrist thumb side Proc. Styloideus (radius)
LWPS Left wrist pinkie side Proc. Styloideus (Ulna)
LHTS Left hand thumb side Base knuckle 2nd finger
LHPS Left hand pinkie side Base knuckle 5th finger
LIFD (LIFP) Left index finger distalis Top knuckle 2nd finger
Marker Set Left Hand 1
Marker Set Left Hand 2

Right Hand

Marker label Definition Position
RWTS Right wrist thumb side Proc. Styloideus (radius)
RWPS Right wrist pinkie side Proc. Styloideus (Ulna)
RHTS Right hand thumb side Base knuckle 2nd finger
RHPS Right hand pinkie side Base knuckle 5th finger
RIFD (RIFP) Right index finger distalis Top knuckle 2nd finger


Marker label Definition Position
LASI Left ASIS directly above spina iliaca anterior superior (left)
RASI Right ASIS directly above spina iliaca anterior superior (right)
LPSI Left PSIS directly above spina iliaca posterior superior (left)
RPSI Right PSIS directly above spina iliaca posterior superior (right)
LHIP Left trochanter major Left trochanter
RHIP Right trochanter major Right trochanter


Marker label Definition Position
LTHI Left tight wand marker Anti-symmetry inferior: Thigh, 2/3 distance between LHIP and LKNE, closer to LKNE
RTHI Right tight wand marker Anti-symmetry inferior: Thigh, 1/3 distance between RHIP and RKNE, closer to RHIP
LKNE Left Knee Joint center left knee
RKNE Right Knee Joint center right knee
RTIP Right Tibia Anti-symmetry inferior: without fixed position
LTIP Left Tibia Anti-symmetry inferior: without fixed position
Marker Set Legs 1
Marker Set Legs 2


Marker label Definition Position
LHEE Left Heel Center of left heel
RHEE Right Heel Center of right heel
LTOE Left Toe Phalanges distales I
RTOE Right Toe Phalanges distales I
RMT1 Right Matatarsal 1 Base knuckle 1st toe
LMT1 Left Matatarsal 1 Base knuckle 1st toe
RMT5 Right Matatarsal 5 Base knuckle 5nd toe
LMT5 Left Matatarsal 5 Base knuckle 5nd toe
RANK Right ankle Below the ankle
LANK Left ankle Below the ankle
Marker Set Feet 1
Marker Set Feet 2

Detailed Hand

Marker label Definition Position
thumb1_01 Thumb metacarpal phalanx directly below the metacarpophalangeal joint on the dorsal side of the metacarpal phalanx
thumb2_01 Thumb proximal phalanx dorsal side of the proximal phalanx between metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joint
thumb3_01 Thumb distal phalanx dorsal side of the distal phalanx directly below the fingertip
indexfinger1_01 Index proximal phalanx dorsal side of the proximal phalanx between metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joint
indexfinger2_01 Index intermediate phalanx dorsal side of the intermediate phalanx between proximal and distal interphalangeal joint
indexfinger3_01 Index distal phalanx dorsal side of the distal phalanx directly below the fingertip
middlefinger1_01 Middle proximal phalanx dorsal side of the proximal phalanx close to the metacarpophalangeal joint
middlefinger2_01 Middle intermediate phalanx dorsal side of the intermediate phalanx between proximal and distal interphalangeal joint
middlefinger3_01 Middle distal phalanx dorsal side of the distal phalanx directly below the fingertip
ringfinger1_01 Ringfinger proximal phalanx dorsal side of the proximal phalanx directly over the metacarpophalangeal joint
ringfinger2_01 Ringfinger intermediate phalanx dorsal side of the intermediate phalanx between proximal and distal interphalangeal joint
ringfinger3_01 Ringfinger distal phalanx> dorsal side of the distal phalanx directly below the fingertip
littlefinger1_01 Little finger proximal phalanx dorsal side of the proximal phalanx close to the metacarpophalangeal joint
littlefinger2_01 Little finger intermediate phalanx dorsal side of the intermediate phalanx between proximal and distal interphalangeal joint
littlefinger3_01 Little finger distal phalanx dorsal side of the distal phalanx directly below the fingertip
innerHand_01 Palm below the middle finger dorsal side of the middle metacarpal phalanx directly below the metacarpophalangeal joint
innerHand_02 Palm near the root of the thumb dorsal side of the carpal trapezium bone
innerHand_03 Palm below the index finger dorsal side of the index metacarpal phalanx in the middle between carpal trapezoid bone and metacarpophalangeal joint
innerHand_04 Palm near the root of the middle finger dorsal side of the scaphoid bone
outerHand_01 Palm below the little finger dorsal side of the little finger metacarpal phalanx directly below the metacarpophalangeal joint
outerHand_02 Palm just over the ulnar side of the wrist dorsal side of the carpal pisiform bone
outerHand_03 Palm between little finger and wrist radial side of the carpal hamate bone
wrist_01 Ulnar side of the wrist radial side of ulna bone directly below the hand base
wrist_02 Ulnar side of the arm near the elbow ulna bone 10 cm below the wrist
wrist_03 Radial side of the wrist radial side of the radius bone directly below the hand base
wrist_04 Radial side of the arm near the elbow radius bone 6 cm below the wrist
Marker Set Data Glove

Motion Capture Suit

At KIT, we are using the motion capture marker suits from OptiTrack (see http://www.naturalpoint.com/optitrack/products/suits-markers).